
Vacuum Valves for Rough and High Vacuum: Importance of Quality and Material Selection

by | May 24, 2023 | Blog

Vacuum valves have a wide range of applications in various industries such as aerospace, pharmaceuticals, semiconductor manufacturing and petrochemicals. These valves play an essential role in creating, regulating and maintaining vacuum conditions, which are vital for many industrial processes.

In this article, we will delve deeper into the importance of quality and material selection in vacuum valves designed for rough and high vacuum applications.

Preventing Leakage

One of the significant benefits of quality construction in vacuum valves is preventing leakage. Vacuum valves must exhibit excellent sealing properties to maintain the desired vacuum level accurately. Even minor leaks can compromise the efficiency and reliability of the system, leading to increased processing time, decreased accuracy and potential contamination risks.

To ensure dependable performance, high-quality valves utilize cutting-edge sealing technologies and undergo meticulous testing. Such tests include helium leak testing and pressure testing, to ensure that they can operate efficiently under the harshest conditions. Some vacuum valves are designed to withstand high temperatures, corrosive environments and over pressures without leaking or failing.


Apart from preventing leakage, quality construction also ensures durability and longevity of vacuum systems. Vacuum systems often operate under harsh conditions. Quality valves are constructed with robust materials and undergo thorough quality control measures to ensure durability and longevity. As a result, the frequency of valve replacements is reduced, which in turn minimizes both maintenance costs and downtimes.

The cost of downtime in vacuum systems can be significant. In any industry where vacuum systems are used, such as semiconductor manufacturing, health care, or aerospace, the cost of downtime due to equipment failure can have serious financial implications.

When a vacuum system goes down, the production process comes to a halt. The system’s every minute of downtime can lead to missed deadlines, lost revenue and escalated expenses. The cost of downtime varies depending on the specific application, but it is generally estimated to be several thousands of dollars per hour.

In addition to lost revenue, downtime can also lead to additional expenses, such as repair costs and overtime wages for maintenance personnel. The longer the downtime, the more expensive it becomes to get the system back up and running.

Materials Used Impacts Compatibility And Efficiency

The choice of materials used to construct vacuum valves is essential to ensure compatibility with the specific vacuum environment. Different materials exhibit varying degrees of outgassing, temperature resistance and chemical resistance. The outgassing rate of materials is important because it affects the ultimate pressure in the system and the size of the pumps that are required. In high vacuum applications, even minimal levels of contamination can detrimentally affect the system’s performance. Materials such as aluminum and stainless steel are often preferred for their low outgassing properties and minimal particle generation, maintaining the required cleanliness while reducing the outgassing rate.

In addition to compatibility, material selection also affects operational efficiency. High-quality valves made from appropriate materials enhance the performance, reliability and longevity of vacuum systems in various scientific and industrial setups.

Industries That Use Vacuum Valves

Vacuum valves are an essential part of many industries, from semiconductor manufacturing to aerospace to health care. These valves are used to control the flow of air and gas molecules in vacuum systems, making them critical for maintaining the integrity of these systems and ensuring efficient operation. There are various uses of vacuum valves in different industries, each with its own specific application.

Semiconductor manufacturing is one of the most common industries that relies heavily on vacuum valves. In this industry, vacuum systems are used to deposit thin films of materials onto silicon wafers, which are then used in the production of microprocessors. High-quality vacuum valves are used to control the flow of these materials, ensuring that they are deposited precisely and accurately. Any variations in flow rate can have a significant impact on the final product, making precise control an essential requirement.

Another industry that makes extensive use of vacuum valves is the health care industry. In medical devices such as MRI machines, vacuum systems are used to create a vacuum inside the machine, which helps to produce the images. Vacuum valves are used to control the flow of air and other gases, ensuring that the desired level of vacuum is maintained. High-quality vacuum valves are required to ensure reliable and consistent operation of these machines, as any fluctuations in vacuum levels can affect the accuracy of the images produced.

In spacecraft and satellites, vacuum systems are used to regulate pressure and provide life support. All satellites and other spacecraft need to undergo rigorous testing to ensure success.  Vacuum systems simulate the airless environment of outer space and are crucial for space simulation testing.  High-quality vacuum valves are required to withstand the harsh conditions of space and provide reliable operation over long periods.

Apart from the aforementioned industries, vacuum valves find application in various other domains, including vacuum coating, industrial processing and many others. Each industry has its own specific requirements for vacuum valves, including precision control, continuous regulation and reliable performance under harsh operating conditions.

Where To Buy Vacuum Valves

 GNB Corporation is a trusted supplier of high-quality vacuum valves, with a wide range of products designed to meet the needs of industrial and scientific applications. At GNB Corporation, we draw on decades of experience to guide you in selecting the ideal vacuum valve for your unique application. Our valves are crafted from exceptional materials and undergo thorough testing to ensure their reliability in even the harshest conditions. Additionally, we provide customizable options to allow you to tailor the valve to meet the requirements of your specific application.

In addition, GNB Corporation offers competitive pricing on our vacuum valves, making us an affordable choice for those looking for high-quality components.

With our commitment to quality, affordability and customer satisfaction, GNB Corporation is a top choice for those looking to purchase vacuum valves. Contact us today with any questions you may have!